See, told ya I'd be better about writing!
This week Liam's vocabulary really exploded. It was a few new words everyday! Some examples are feet, sausage, and horse.
About a half an hour after Liam wakes up, he is the biggest cuddler. He is so loving, gentle, and sweet as he kisses everything. When he woke up Thursday afternoon from his nap and I brought him downstairs, he kissed everything in the room. And I mean everything. He kissed his red monkey, the chair, the tupperware top that was next to the chair. It was really nine or ten things that he kissed with a big "mmmmmmuah."
Liam is a very funny eater lately. He has his preferences, "turkey," "cracker," and "brea" (bread), but is also branching out to new things. This week I made a spicy ginger and curry lentil stew and Liam really loved it! Hopefully this love of food continues through the picky years that lie ahead!
It's fun to share the food making process with Liam now. I've been pulling out a stool for him to stand on while I chop veggies or stir things. It allows him to taste a few new foods and watch the process. He rejected the raw green pepper, but loved the chicken empanadas that we ate when it was all finished!
Also, here is Liam in his finest
"please." The more he wants something, the farther his head will tilt. I don't even remember what he wanted here, but man, it must have been important...
We LOVE LOVE LOVE dancing to Feist's song 1234 and spun and played to it for over an hour.
If we weren't dancing to Feist, we were reading our favorite book Goodnight Gorilla. It is a great book with no words so you can change and morph the story with each reading or as the child gets older. It combines Liam's great loves - monkeys, bananas, and just this week we noticed that one of the animals that the silly gorilla lets loose is the armadillo. And what does the armadillo have in his cage? Why, a paci and Ernie doll of course! We now have to furiously flip through the book and point to it with unbridled enthusiasm. He points to the paci and then points to his own paci (that we only use at naptime/nightime now) and says "paci." It's so sweet, I can hardly stand it.
We love to play our sleeping game, where we pretend snore with an "ahchew, ahchew," then "waking up" with a big smile.
This Friday we went to a local toddler gym. Oh my goodness was that THE TIME OF OUR LIVES! Liam absolutely loved it with all of the slides, balls, balance beams, kids, and our super duper favorite DUCKS! Wherever we are, Liam finds the ducks. Consider it a talent. :) But really, we got to a friend's house and he collects them from all over the house and plays with them all. We went to this gym and lo and behold, he finds it -
On Fridays we have also been having playdates with some friends from the Mom potluck. It's been great to see all of the babies together and have some adult interaction at the same time (what is that anyway???)
It's great to see friends, but it's even better to eat their toys and look guilty.
See that glint in his eye? He has this right before he throws himself off the couch or tears up the stairs before you even know he's gone. This boy is fast.
This morning Liam and I went to the Olbrich gardens spring garden show, where he enjoyed looking at all the flowers and climbing on all the benches. This didn't last long, however, with naptime coming Liam shut down fast.
See this? This is one wiped out little man.
Now it's naptime and time for Mommy to make a big ol cuppa coffee for the afternoon! Grocery shopping and Oscar Night! Woo!
Much love, more next week!