This movie has been in my family for years. It is my Mother. It is my Father. It is my parents staying up late to wrap presents together every Christmas Eve when my brother and I were little and watching this movie together. It is being forced to watch such a stupid movie because my parents are making me. It is watching a movie that I like certain parts of. It is now loving a movie because of the tradition, because of the singing and dancing, costumes, great 50's sayings, and lovable characters. It is now a movie that I watch at least three times a Christmas season because it makes me feel Christmas. It makes me feel my Mom. It makes me feel so happy.
To me, White Christmas is Christmas.
So, welcome to our family tradition:
Watching White Christmas as a family, old 40's and 50's Disney Christmas cartoons and everyone's favorite appetizers like shrimp cocktail, artichokes, cookies, barbeque wings, and a meat and cheese plate.
Here's to you, Mom. Merry Christmas. Wish you were here.