Holy Snow! Madison was finally hit with winter this week.
On Sunday, it was warm and sunny. Liam loves this playground, it's low to the ground so Mommy doesn't have a heart attack and Liam can really have fun.
Being surprisingly cautious on the bridge. Later he stood up and tried to fling himself off. Visions of broken bones and sharp gasps followed.
Then, the snow. First a nice dusting, so it was fun to bundle Liam up and take him out.
Well, fun for me.
Doesn't this one seem like he's mumbling swear words under his breath?
Then the real snow. 18 inches in 24 hours. The whole city shut down and everyone got a snow day. Malls, schools, and even the University closed.
He just stared at the snow, but it made us reevaluate our layering strategy for the little man. Yes, to those that live in warmer climates, you need a strategy. (Because there is a high of six degrees this week.) Yes, we need more gloves (we used socks). Scarf? No, wraparound ear cover for his neck. One hat? Two? Hoodie?
When we packed him up the second time, he was more comfortable and was able to walk around and look at things. I showed him how to eat the snow and he loved clapping it in his little hands. He slipped once, but didn't feel a thing. We're excited to go back to GR because my Dad has a sled for Liam.
I'm thinking it will be a little different than last year:
(Oh, I miss that little reindeer outfit.)
When we came back in, we played and played. Liam loves Dr. Suess books now, so we read Go, Dog, Go over and over again. He is back to his old eating habits since we discovered that he just wanted to feed himself. Seriously, if you give him a spoon and a bowl he will eat anything. Even things he didn't eat when I was pureeing stuff - like cut up summer squash! This is the best! :)
We ended the night with a nice, warm bath.
Do you love the modesty patch, I mean, duck?
We swear we won't embarrass him with these bath pictures when he has future girlfriends over. I'm sure we'll find something embarrassing to do, but these bath picture will stay in the album where they belong.
Overall, great week. John worked like a dog on his papers, grading, etc and I had a photo session last Saturday that has kept me busy editing and posting galleries like a madwoman. Thankfully, John got a picture of me during this nutty computer/cross eyed/crazy time:
In case you were wondering, no, that is not a bag of York Peppermint Patties. And no, I did not finish the bag in one sitting, thank you very much.
Much love, more next week.